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My Covid Experience

Aside from writing this down to remember what happened and what my experience was with Covid 19, I wanted to share this as a reminder of a truth that was always there but becomes MUCH clearer when one is faced with an unseen and seemingly powerful enemy…and I’m not talking about the virus, I’m talking about Satan, the deceiver!

A summary of what happened…

August 18, I began to feel a bit unwell. Headache, dizziness and body pains but I decided to get checked ASAP because I learned that EARLY TREATMENT IS KEY IN DEALING WITH THIS VIRUS.

So Day 1, I was already on medicines for flu. The regimen ended on Day 5 then I started coughing, the doctor told me to do a follow up when I still don’t feel well but I decided not to go back to him because I thought I’d look for another doctor who would actually do a TELECONSULT. That 1st doctor just talked to me via messenger.


I want to put an emphasis on that because of what happened to me next. I AM SOOOO GRATEFUL to have Doc Nikki Navarro all throughout this and our conversation started when Susie and Amos began to show symptoms as well. But praise the Lord, Susie only had a fever one day and Amos was able to recover after 5 days.

…while I still suffer with dry cough. I took an antigen test which showed up negative (Day 8) so that’s when I (with doc Nikki’s recommendation) went to see a PULMO doctor. The pulmo doctor gave me a cough supressant, an antibiotic and an anti-allergy medicine. He then told me to take an RTPCR swab test to be sure.

I also had an XRAY which I wasn’t able to show my FIRST pulmo doctor because the results came after my consultation with him. The result was: Pneumonia. I took the swab test and later on showed that I was Covid Positive.

Isolation started on my Day 10 of symptoms but I praise God that my mom, my sister and my nephew didn’t get the virus. Amy also had a fever once but it never returned, they were in perfect health until the end of my quarantine.


I memorized Psalm 103 during my isolation and I assure you, God’s word is a great comfort.

I then found another pulmo doctor, one who is able to TELECONSULT. This is where it got interesting. I was told to stop the antibiotic given by the first pulmo, the reason? It won’t work with Covid. Friends, family, Doc Nikki were all questioning why but at the end of the day, he’s a pulmo doctor and I thought, he knows what he’s doing. His regimen? A cough suppresant, mucolytics, and an anti clotting medicine.

I was on my 3rd week (meaning, I was way past the quarantine period, doctors I follow explained that virus is now gone at this point and I am just dealing with complications) I won’t go into the other details but just to make this shorter, I GOT WORSE. Worse as in I started coughing blood and it came to a point that I had this unbearable pain in my back that kept me awake all night. It was painful everytime I inhaled, imagine that!

What made me thought of changing doctors again? When I told this pulmo doctor that I was coughing blood and that the cough became worse (I finished the cough suppresant medicine and it was out of stock in Mercury Drug) he told me to go to an ENT doctor and get a cough prescription from them. An ENT DOCTOR!

Doc Nikki then told me it’s time to get a second opinion. The Lord led us to an AMAZING PULMO DOCTOR THAT I WILL TRULY RECOMMEND TO ALL: DOC JESSIE ESTRADA. Praise the Lord, he happened to be a parent in the school where my sister worked.

Before he gave me his prescription, which is totally different from the past two pulmo doctors, he explained to me what I was given and why it wasn’t working.




It turned out, he was right when I was asked to do another xray, my pneumonia worsened BECAUSE IT WAS UNTREATED.

Doc Jessie’s regimen included a pain reliever for my back, 2 antibiotics, procaterol for my cough, an anti allergy med, anti clotting med, symbicort turbuhaler,vitamin c 1000-2000mg a day, vitamin d3 5000iu, and Ivermectin. Yes I took ivermectin, it is for humans and it is SAFE.

Doc Jessie told me not to listen to anyone who doesn’t have the authority to give medical advice. He sent me prayer videos and encouraged me that Jesus is able to heal me. He was a blessing!

I started to feel better until I was out of isolation on Day 28.

So what other lessons I learned throughout this experience:


Doc Nikki shared this exercises with me and I am so thankful for my husband who would visit me in my room to tap my back. Super helpful!


I am unvaccinated by choice. This is the first and the last time I am putting this out here and I just want to share how unkind people can become because of this pandemic. Whether you believe this or not, Satan is using this very pandemic to divide Christians, churches, family, friends. I am not selfish for choosing not to be unvaccinated, my husband and I did our research and we listen to doctors too. Our differences in views should not cause a strain in our relationship, if it does, you know who wins… Satan.

Someone who is going through an illness (covid or not) needs encouragement. End of story. And because my husband and I both experienced struggles emotionally, we chose to reply to a few people only.

I just want to say that our hearts remain grateful for the many people who prayed, helped, and encouraged us. Both here and in the States. Your messages were very helpful in my recovery. I mean that!


I am a living testimony to that. According to one of my doctors, all results show I have severe infection and at this moment I should have difficulty breathing and a very low oxygen saturation. I didn’t have any of that. My oxygen fluctuated twice but it was after coughing a lot and the time when I had that back pain. The rest of my time in isolation was just the dry cough and fever a few times. My doctor thought it was interesting and a bit odd that my blood work is not compatible to my symptoms. How can anyone explain that? ONLY GOD CAN HEAL YOU!!

I have so many questions as to why I was led to that doctor who made me worse but because I experienced the worst, my hands were up high clinging to God alone! He alone can save me and praise the Lord He did!

Satan wants us to cling on to doctors for help, for vaccines for assurance, for medicine to help us feel better but at the end of the day, it might or might not work. Where then can we put our trust? I pray that you see this truth early on and without having to go through what I did, I pray that you see that only faith in Christ is a sure stronghold.

I pray that this pandemic, like any other uncertainties in life, will cause you to look to Christ alone! Let’s not allow Satan to divide us. Let’s show him where our strength comes from…God alone!

Posted in Attributes of God, Bible Principles, Motherhood, Personal

Summer of 2021

Crazy how you feel a rollercoaster of emotions in just three months.

Short flash back year 2020:

I was diagnosed with PCOS. My OB explained to me that I was infertile because of some other findings.

I distincly remember her question that day, “So, are you planning to get pregnant anytime soon?” I didn’t hesitate a bit, I answered with a firm NO.

March 2021:

I felt different so I decided to finally buy a pregnancy test, hoping it was negative.

Lo and behold, two lines came up. Not a faint one, nope! It was 200% positive. Honestly, I didn’t know what to feel about it, it was a struggle between thinking a baby is always a blessing and my body and current season in life is reminding me that I wasn’t ready to be a mother of three.

I surprised my husband as I did for my 2 girls and he was ecstatic! He couldn’t hide his smile and that made the whole “new baby” season, lighter.

April 2021:

We decided to keep it to ourselves and had my usual first ultrasound last April 29. Baby is at 6 weeks, regular but rather slow heartbeat but the OB noticed a large yolk sac.

I was given meds for 2 weeks to support the pregnancy as having a large yolk usually is a risk for miscarriage and I was scheduled for another ultrasound to check progress.

May 2021:

Mother’s day came and we decided it’s time to announce it to our families, they were excited and supportive and slowly I began to feel good about this pregnancy. I had my doubts and “frustrations” at first, I didn’t pray for this, I didn’t expect another child. I had a lot on my plate in this season of my life with Amy starting homeschool soon and Susie still breastfeeding, but the Lord continually reminded me especially through my husband that every child is a gift from God and that I should be grateful, claiming His ever reliable promise that He will be my help throughout this pregnancy.

May 17 came, normal day for everyone, I was finally feeling excited to see a glimpse of baby again through the ultrasound. I had to go in alone because of Covid restrictions.

I lay down, OB came in and began the ultrasound. It was total silence like the last, I was praying that everything will be alright. The silence is killing me every time, and then the OB spoke softly but I heard the words very clearly…

“Walang heartbeat” (there’s no heartbeat)

I almost stood up from the bed. “Po?” (What?)

The OB turned the screen and showed me our baby, there’s no flickering heartbeat, no blood flow… nothing. The room was filled with silence once again. I don’t know what to say..I just cried in silence.

My husband was waiting outside the clinic, I went out, hugged him and bursted in tears. I can’t believe this is happening, I can’t believe this is happening to us. My head was clouded with questions. We prayed right there and then and went home.

I messaged my OB and she told me to get a second opinion. I can’t explain how painful that day was… my husband is continually telling me to trust God and reminded me that He is able to do a miracle…but it was so hard for me to believe at that time because I saw it first hand. I saw our lifeless baby on the screen myself!

God reminded me of this verse:

2Corinthians 4:17-18
¹⁷ For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
¹⁸ while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Amy, my daughter, suddenly sang “My God is so big” Is this God’s way of telling me that indeed, there’s nothing that He cannot do…for us? We didn’t stop praying. One thought that continually came up was, “Why would God take away my baby whom He has given me in the first place? I mean, I didn’t pray for this, I thought this baby was a miracle because I was supposed to be ‘infertile’, why would God take away something that He gave Himself?” I didn’t know what to feel at first but now that I’m slowly accepting this new gift, it is being taken away from me. That doesn’t make any sense at all.

The day of the 2nd ultrasound came, we prayed before leaving and on our way to the clinic, I was praying these words over and over, “Lord, help me to believe that you are able to give us a miracle” I don’t think I prayed this hard in my life because my mind and logic continues to flash the ultrasound screen in my memory, “it isn’t possible…you’ve seen it!”

But as we drew closer to our destination, it’s as if God has somehow impressed in my heart another prayer and so I did pray those words. “Lord, no matter what happens today, you will get your glory from my response”

It was the longest 3 hours of my life, waiting for my turn on the ultrasound room. My husband was outside the clinic and I can see him earnestly mumbling a prayer from the glass window. I felt a sense of peace as my name was called, I wanted my baby to live! I want it so bad but it is all in God’s hands now.

And then I saw our baby

…and there was no heartbeat.

My whole body went numb, but it’s as if I was prepared to hear the verdict. Now the hard part… I had to tell it to my husband again. I know it will break his heart as it did in mine twice. I opened the ultrasound door and I noticed a verse on the wall.

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

I don’t understand how this is for my good but as I remembered my prayer earlier, I choose to trust in You Lord for whatever purpose you have for my family.

I went out to meet my husband, I saw so much hope in his face that it’s breaking my heart even more. I wasn’t able to speak a word, I bowed my head, cried and just motioned him that we should go home.

You know, before when I hear news of women going through miscarriage especially when it’s still early in the pregnancy, I always thought it wouldn’t hurt so much because the baby is still small and may not even look like a baby at all but now that I have experienced it myself, I can’t tell you how painful it is that you find it hard to move another step forward.

You are stuck in a multitude of “what could have been”. It’s hard, it’s very, very hard.

A week later, I went on labor at home. They say, when you’re going through labor, pain is your friend and it is a reminder of the joy that you will soon be seeing your baby.

I was in pain, yes. But it was double the pain knowing that I will push out a lifeless baby…my baby.

May 24, 8:45pm. Probably, the most painful day of my life. We saw our baby, so small, so cute with his tiny hands. I thought I was going to pass out from crying but I praise the Lord for giving me a husband who I can share life with, both the good and the not-so-good part of it. He was my rock, he reminded me of God’s truths when I begin to doubt and question, he cried with me, he comforted me, and he kept me in the right path this whole time.

We’ve decided to place our baby on a special plant in our garden, we were going around that night, thinking where to best put him and we’ve chosen that one plant that reminded us of God. We placed our baby in our Peace Lily.

We had our daughters with us as well and Amy, small as she may seem, encouraged her grieving mom that “Baby will be in Heaven now, Mommy! Don’t worry!”

What I learned about God’s peace from this season of our life?

As someone who is going through a season of grief, I can tell you that I didn’t feel peaceful at once, I was grieving and hurting, my heart was broken, I was at my lowest point.

If you are grieving dear friend, I just want to remind you that you don’t have to quickly try to stick the broken pieces together, that’s impossible. Grieve if you need to.

Since the time we found out we lost our baby, I didn’t want to share the news with anybody except of course to our family and one close friend. I didn’t want to speak about it, I didn’t want to relive it over and over again. I didn’t want to answer questions. I mean, just with the few people who messaged me with questions on how I went through my miscarriage, which was all-natural, and some encouraging me (I know it was of pure intent) that soon I’ll have another baby, I had a difficult time to take it all in. I didn’t want to go outside and meet people. I moved a step back and chose to grieve in private.

I’ve said it above and I’ll say it again, it has been a rough time for me and my husband but I learned one thing about God’s peace that I believe I would have never learned if this hasn’t happened and I think that tells us a lot about God’s goodness. He lets us walk through the valleys of life not to harm us but to open our hearts to new truths that will strengthen our faith.

The peace that God promises us is not instant, it is not a magical feeling that while you’re going through pain and suffering, you’ll feel peaceful at once. Instead, this God-given peace is constant. Slowly, constantly reminding me that this isn’t a dead end, that there is hope, that eternity is real, that Christ rules. One step at a time.

And then, I saw a light, a small door of purpose which is quite unexplainable at this moment in time but again, God can use any circumstance.

I joined a private group of mothers who went through or is currently going through miscarriage because I needed to know what to expect when I start to go through the process myself at home. Although, I just want to share that we are really blessed to have an OB who, despite being super busy, was with me althroughout the process. Doc Bev, you are a blessing!

Some moms from the group sent me private messages asking me for support as they go through their own miscarriage, they were hurting like me. At first, I just wanted to be polite and answered their questions but I didn’t really want to start a conversation with them because I was grieving myself.

But a few days later, God reminded me that there is more that I can share with these women other than answers to their questions, I can share hope through Jesus Christ. I know, in my heart, how painful it is to lose a baby, and I know that these dear women long for answers, long for peace, long for hope and I do know WHO holds the answer and so, I begin sharing the Gospel to them. Somehow, I found His purpose. Somehow, I found joy.

2 Corinthians 1 (KJV)
³ Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
⁴ Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
⁵ For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

There will always be questions left unanswered and though it felt like we don’t have a choice, we actually do. We can either linger on our “whys” trying to make sense of our situation or we can choose to rest on the unchanging truth that GOD IS GOOD because that’s the starting point of our road to healing.

I had so many prayers that were answered with NO and though this is definitely, by far, the most painful NO, God’s peace is with me, helping me move my feeble legs one step at a time. Forward towards our true home in heaven and our little angel, who Amy likes to call Michael, made Heaven a whole lot sweeter.

In the summer of 2021, I became a mother of three. 2 daughters and another one I long to see in Heaven.

Blessed be the name of the Lord who gives hope to the broken-hearted. May God continue to get His glory from our responses.

Psalms 27
¹³ I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
¹⁴ Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Posted in discipleship, Personal, Practical, Random Thoughts

Growth over Completed Goals

The first half of the year is done, I thought it was a good idea to look back at my goals for the year to see where I’m succeeding and where I need to focus on more.

Checking your progress is a good thing as it will keep you on track. I, for one, have seen that I am falling way behind in my health goals for the year. 🤣 But, I am progressing quite well in my Bible reading, ministry and homeschool goals.

As a person who loves to tick boxes beside completed tasks, I must say I am quite pleased with my overall progress. But God reminded me of something these past weeks:

Philippians 3:13-14

¹³ Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
¹⁴ I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

What was the point of completing tasks? What was the purpose of finishing goals?
It’s tempting to take a hold of these things, no matter how spiritual they are, and raise it up high and say, “I’ve done it! Now onto the next task!”

Pride, as subtle as it has always been, can easily creep into our victories, taking our eyes of the real prize—the Lord Jesus Christ.
The whole point of having goals is to:
1. Give God the glory in everything we do. (1Cor.10:31)
2. Grow in our knowledge of who Jesus Christ is. (2Peter 3:18)

Everything we do and everything we want to achieve should revolve around these two main goals. At the end of the day, success is measured by how much we’ve grown in the Lord and not just by how many tasks we’ve completed.

If you have finished the Bible at the end of the year but you’ve not grown in loving others then you have not really succeeded in your goal.

Ecclesiastes 12


¹³ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

¹⁴ For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

It’s a good reminder for all of us to be intentional in creating goals that will matter in light of eternity but be cautious on focusing too much on completing the goal rather than learning from it.

Posted in Bible Principles, discipleship, Personal, Practical, Random Thoughts

Nothing is Mine, All are Thine – A Poem

If I fret about the uncertain future
Watching, worrying as the days go darker
If I start to question Your design
Remind me that nothing is mine, all are Thine

If I try to make sense of the chaos
Bring me on my knees at the feet of the Cross
Incline my heart to abide in the Vine
Remind me that nothing is mine, all are Thine

When I try to control my life out of fear
Help me to let go of those I love so dear
Remind me that hope and peace is mine
For everyone whose faith is in Thee is Thine

If my heart begins to doubt Your goodness
Lead my faith back to Your promises

Refine me until my will to Yours align
Remind me that nothing is mine, all are Thine

If I think I can walk through life with my might
Turn my feet to walk by faith and not by sight
Bring me back to remember Your love divine
Remind me that my life and all in it is Thine

Meditated on this truth these past weeks. Death seems to be clearer than before because of this pandemic. People panic, families worry, but we need to remind ourselves of this truth: life is just a vapor, it appears for awhile then vanishes away. What matters most is your final destination: are you sure that when you die right now, you will go to heaven?

Jesus Christ says He is the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by him. John 14:6

Posted in discipleship, Practical

Goals over Resolutions

I’m pretty sure the thought of having a new year’s resolution came across your mind this January. We’re all excited for a fresh start, ready to begin day 1. But for some of us, new year’s resolution only lasts the first few months or even weeks. I am not an exception to that, I have even blogged a couple of times about my year’s resolutions the past years but sadly, not everything in my list was ticked off. This is why I researched last December on how I can manage my resolutions better and this is what I learned:

Resolution without goal setting is pointless.

Resolution refers to a firm decision to do or not do something while goal is an aim at results. You see, it should go together. As you list down your resolutions for the year, back it up with action plans. I have attached the goal setting worksheet that I made and used, praying that it will help you map out your goals for the year too.

Our family’s goal setting for 2020


As you can see, I’ve included a “main focus for the year” section. I did this because it helps us to list down the goals we have on each aspect of our life if we know our main goal, our main prayer for the year. For example, ours is discipleship, so every goal we have points to that theme. One of our family goals is to establish family devotions before bedtime and have a memory verse weekly. One of our ministry goals is to start a Bible club in our neighborhood and plan out dates with young couples we know to encourage them. Get my point?


I have also learned to put realistic goals. I know how frustrating it can be to not lose 10 kilos a month so it is best to put in a goal that you think is within your reach. 1 or 2 kilos maybe? Put it in your month goal, then use your weekly goal sheet to put in action plan to reach that goal. Plan out grocery day, exercise, join a fitness challenge, etc.

Also, don’t compare goals with others. This is the purpose of goal setting, you write your own because every person has different strengths and room for improvements. Maybe someone you know has a goal to study again this year and even if you badly want that goal too, your current situation won’t allow it, maybe you have smaller kids or your budget for the year is allocated in something else.

It always amazes me to think that God deals with us individually. He teaches each one of us in a way that we specifically need. Life is not a race and it’s not a competition. Life is not about who gets more praise or who gets more goals achieved. At the end of the day, we only have One to give glory to, and it is God.


I know it’s exciting to have many checked boxes next to the goals you have achieved but the purpose of goal setting is not to tick off as many boxes as you can, the measurement for success is not how fast and how many goals you finished but it is in how much you have grown throughout the year.

Character is what we’re after for more than temporal success over mundane things. If over the year, you have grown to be more patient, more loving, more diligent in your responsibilities, even if you haven’t learned a new skill or have not finished your savings challenge, you are a winner!

Aim to prioritize your spiritual nourishment, spend quiet time with the Lord (even if you’re a busy mom). This is one precious way to grow! Join a group of believers who are reading through the Bible this year. Read the Bible together with your family.

It doesn’t matter what you have achieved at the end of the year if you remain spiritually starved. Write down goals that will matter in light of eternity.

…for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7b


Redirections, oh how I love it! Well, not really. Redirections mean going off the carefully mapped plan that you diligently put your time and effort in finishing. For example, one of your goals this year is to enroll your child in a particular school but then financial problems arise and turns out you can’t afford it. Maybe, one of your goals is to lose weight, then suddenly you found out you’re pregnant! Or, your goal is to spend more time with family and then out of the blue, one of your loved one passes away. Redirections! It catches you off guard. How I wish we have PLAN A-Z for every goal we have but we don’t and we can’t control it.

I, for one, gets easily upset over change of plans, but even during redirections, God is still teaching me something. Patience is one, I learn to trust more and worry less, God teaches me that peace comes not in a perfectly orchestrated plan but in His presence.

Pro 16:9 KJV A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

We plan but we trust God throughout the course of the year and through redirections. There will be trials for sure, heartaches, lost opportunities, there will always be circumstances that will try to rob you peace and joy and contentment but TRUST GOD. He knows. HE DIRECTS OUR STEPS.

May this year be a fruitful year for you! May God finds you yearning for Him, to know Him, to worship Him, to love Him more this year.


Additional resources:

  1. Annual Goal Planning Retreat for couples by Mrs. Berrey
  2. Implementing a Realistic Morning Routine by the Thankful Homemaker
Posted in Christian wife, Practical

4 Lessons For 4 Years Of Marriage

I’ve known my husband for 13 years and we’ve been married for 4 years. You might think that’s a long time of getting to know each other but the truth is, we are still learning. Marriage is a lifelong journey of studying your spouse. It’s a lifetime of understanding, forgiving, submitting, yet above all it’s an awesome experience to love and to feel love.

Here are 4 things that I’ve learned from being married for 4 years:

Note: This is my personal list and it can be different for other people.

1. Unexpected help is always appreciated

I’ve had my share of exhausting days especially now that I’m in the season of child-rearing. The never ending dailies of life can cause us lose sight of the wonder of marriage. Yes we are our husband’s HELP meet but wives/moms, it’s okay to ask for help too!

Marriage is work, and as cliche as it may sound, it really requires a lot of work coming from both sides. Communication is one area in which we are working on. My husband will not always know my needs until I say it. The problem comes when I assume he knows whenever I need help. Yes, there are a lot of times when he would initiate to bathe the kids or watch over them so I can rest for a bit or do the chores but for the days that he doesn’t do any of these, it is easy to get frustrated if I assume or put out some expectations that he is not aware of. It’s okay to ask for help but never demand it. Unexpected help is always appreciated. 😊

God said His grace is sufficient for us. His strength is available to all the weary wives and mommas out there. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband but it is very important to keep in mind that God’s grace is more than enough for my needs. That way, I won’t depend on my husband for help, but only on the Lord. Don’t get me wrong, I just said it’s okay to ask for help but never expect that your husband will always be there to help you. The supernatural strength from God will carry you through the day.

2. Cuddles over chores

Again, the never ending dailies of taking care of kids and chores doesn’t seem to…well, end!

I like to write down to-do lists a lot, and that includes planning the day. What chore to do first when our baby takes her nap? When should I do laundry? Or fold clothes? Or declutter? And as soon I stood up from the bed after breastfeeding my baby (excited to tick off my to-do list) my husband asks for hugs and kisses. There are days when I just want to tell him that I have a long list of chores to finish and cuddles can wait until later. But, let me tell you that time with your spouse is more important than washing the dishes. Having kids can somehow lessen your time alone as a couple, but you need to make time for it as it helps your bond to become stronger. At the end of the day, your husband take first place in your family.

Though kids take much of my time, cuddles with my husband always make both of our hearts full. Believe me, I never regretted choosing my husband over chores.❤

3. Support the little boy inside

I’ve read in a book before that men still has a little boy inside them that LOVES TO PLAY, my husband is not an exemption to that. Women, on the other hand, grows to be more task-oriented. We love to work. See the line for frustration there? Earlier in our marriage, I would always get frustrated whenever he would spend time playing sports or mobile games. Now, I can see that spending time for fun strengthens our bond as a couple and gives us room to breathe from the “never ending dailies”. I tried downloading his favorite games too and we try to play together sometimes. Though my definition of fun is way different from my husband’s, supporting the little boy inside assures him of my love for him and it reminds him that I desire his happiness and enjoyment.

4. Words better left unsaid

This is the one I’ve been learning to do for the past year. I don’t know about you but I love to talk! And I love to tell everything (including what I feel as of the moment) to my husband.

If he did something that made me mad, I tell him (sometimes indirectly) but I certainly let him know that I was hurt or disappointed. The problem in doing that sometimes return the hurt to my husband. Remember the nagging wife in Proverbs? The Bible says it is better for the man to stay in the rooftop of his house than to be with a nagging wife. Ouch!

But this verse caught my attention last year and from then on, I am trying with God’s grace to become better in communication:

Pro 29:11 KJV A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

Try doing this experiment: If you’re mad, don’t say anything! Let it pass for a few minutes or hours. Distract yourself by doing something else, if needed, distance yourself. While doing this, think over the words that you want to blurt out and answer these questions:

1. Will it fix the situation?

2. Will it hurt my husband?

3. Are these words necessary to say?

After giving much thought, decide if you still want to say it or just let it pass. Some words are better left unsaid. Words can either hurt or heal. I love what Proverbs has to say about it:

Pro 25:11 KJV A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

I know we still have a lot to learn from each other but what I’m really thankful for is that we have the Word of God to teach us to become better wives and husbands. I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t have the Bible to guide me in this chapter of my life, our marriage will be a mess for sure. See the goodness of the Lord in that? Praise His Name!

Posted in Practical, Random Thoughts

Moving On To The Next Year Yet Still Grateful For The Past

I’m pretty sure we are all excited for the new year. We have plans tonight to celebrate New Year’s Eve and a set of goals we want to achieve for the next year.

Moving on to the next year…

Day 1 starts tomorrow for most of us as we try to change and improve some aspects of our lives. Day 1 starts as we move on and leave the past year behind. A new year that signifies we are one year closer to eternity, some closer than the others. A new year that signifies new hopes yet new set of challenges we are so ready to take. A new year that reminds us to check our priorities because our days are numbered.

I remember Philippians 3:13-14 whenever I think of moving on:

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

Pressing on. Reaching forth. Moving on. We love the idea of a brand new beginning and we’re so ready to forget the past and all the hurts, challenges, (toxic people) behind it. But, let us not forget to be thankful.

Thanking God for the past year…

We must be reminded of two things about the past:

1. Whatever happened in the past, happened to help us grow.

2. And that no matter how painful the past year became, God is still on His throne.

The challenges, the conflicts, the illnesses, the struggles, the temptations, the joy, the unexpected blessings, the untimely pain, the redirections, all of it are part of God’s grand plan for our lives. We may not understand some parts of it but we can choose to trust that God is in control of everything. We can choose to be thankful for the things that He has permitted to happen in the past year because “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Philippians 1:16

I thought it would be nice to end the year reminiscing the things that God has done in our lives. List it down so we will remember.

You can use this sheet to write your own thankfulness list, prayer requests and top priorities for the coming year:

As we welcome this new year, may we still remember the goodness of the Lord in the past. For by remembering the past, we will be reminded of the hope that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ. We will be reminded that He has always been good to us.


Posted in Bible Principles, Personal, Practical, Random Thoughts

What To Do With Time You Have Left?

I don’t know what season of life you are in but I am sure of one thing: time flies fast for all of us. I’m pretty sure you are already reminiscing the past year as it is now coming to a close. It was like yesterday when you just listed your new year’s resolution for 2019 and now you’re thinking of your new goals for 2020. Time has a way of slipping from our hands and the thing is, consumed time can never be returned. No replay, you can’t go two steps back to make some changes.

My daughter is celebrating her 3rd birthday this month and we are celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary. I could still remember our exciting wedding preparations and meeting our first born the day before our 1st wedding anniversary. It was just like yesterday. Now on to new chapters, new challenges, new learnings. But what struck me most is how easy it is for me to let precious time slip from my hands by not making the best out of it.

I looked for verses or passages that talk about time, one of which is this passage in Ephesians:

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17

I’ve always thought it would be great to control time, stop it whenever we want to cherish moments with dear loved ones who are now gone or to slow it down to soak up all the fun we can get with our little ones or go back in time to undo the mistakes that we made. If only we can do that, but reality knocks and we are currently running after time.

The Bible is clear that there is an appointed time for each one of us to meet death and if we are not to meet death, the Bible also tells us that He is coming again soon like a thief in the night, in a twinkling of an eye, our life here on earth ends, just like that. The reality of death brings up our true priorities in life, when we think that our life will end soon, it gives us a perspective to think of the things that really matter and not waste time on mundane things. If then, we can’t stop time from moving, how can we make the best out of the time we have left?

Walk circumspectly

Young acrobat walking on tightrope

Circumspectly means carefully or with caution. Have you ever watched a person cross a hanging rope in a circus? He does it one step at a time, careful to lift his foot to make the next step until he reaches the end of the rope. Imagine if he did it fast, without focus and with no caution at all, you probably know what’s going to happen next. The Bible says, we are to walk carefully in life. Some people think the best way to accomplish something is to do it fast, unfortunately, the faster we do things the more mistakes we can make, right? Slow but sure says the turtle to the hare. It is not in how many ticks we can get in our list of tasks for the day, or in how many goals we have accomplished, but it is in how many good decisions we made in a day, how many excellent choices we made that would bring God glory.

Walk with caution. Walk does not only refer to our actions but it refers to our lifestyle. Our thoughts, actions and words should be carefully examined before it is given out for we can never get it back. Fools blurt out what is on his head without even thinking as said in Proverbs 29:11. This requires practice to develop that habit but we ought to start practicing that now.

Redeeming the time because the days are evil

The Bible reminds us that we are to be wise in handling our time, redeeming it or making the best out of it because the days are evil. I don’t need to explain how the days now can be evil, you just have to read or watch the news and you’ll see evil everywhere. Satan is out to deceive more and more people. What is evil, they now call good and what is good is now evil (or “offensive”). Christians should be watchful of little sins that can cause us to slowly go astray. Satan works that way, a little lie, a little fight, a little anger, a little jealousy, a little word spoken untimely, a little thought of lust, a little sin here and there. Before we know it, we have already turned our backs on God.

Also, the reality of the evil days should lead Christians to live with urgency to share the Gospel. Time may be running out for all of us but especially for those who are going to spend eternity in hell, apart from God.

Understanding God’s will

We all want to know what God’s will is or what He wants, and He didn’t leave us guessing for He has given us His Word, the Bible, and in it we can read about Him and His will for everyone. God also has a specific will for each of us, some people He called into full time ministry, some people He called to remain single for Him, some He called to testify of His love in dangerous places, some He called to mother children. The thing is, if you are doing what God wants you to do right this moment, you are investing on something that is of great value for eternity. You are making the best out of the time you have been given.

Nothing can ever replace the joy and peace of a life lived within the will of God. Yes, there are still challenges to face, struggles, temptations, and even grief but to remain obedient to the Lord gives us security that all things work together for our ultimate good. May we be found faithful, redeeming the time we have left, for His glory.

So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Posted in Bible Principles, discipleship, Motherhood, Practical

Teaching in the Context of the Moment

I just finished reading “Don’t Make Me Count To Three” by Ginger Plowman and I learned a lot about giving biblical discipline to my children. There are a lot of good points in the book and I’m going to share one that stood out for me: it’s teaching in the context of the moment.

As Christian parents, I know it is your desire to see your children one day make the decision to put their faith in Jesus Christ. I hope it is your desire to teach them who God is. I hope it is your desire to leave an example to your children of a Christian who loves and obeys God.

During the early years of our children, it brings us joy as they get to every developmental milestones. Their first word, first time to sit, first time to eat solid food, first time to stand and walk, but nothing compares to when they start singing praises to God (even if they’re still mumbling some words) and when they start memorizing the Scriptures.

My daughter knows a couple of verses in Psalms and Ephesians 6:1. Yes, the “Children obey your parents in the Lord: FOR THIS IS RIGHT!” verse. Love that!

We like them to recite it in front of other people especially the grandparents. But I’ve realized, through the book, that if we don’t apply these verses in the context of the moment, then these verses can just stay in their heads and not in their hearts.

Teaching in the context of the moment in parenting

Whenever my child has done something bad, telling her that what she did was bad is not enough. I should also lead her to a realization of what is good and what the Bible says is right.

For example, if a child shouts at her sibling for playing with her toy, in that specific moment, what verse in the Bible can we teach our child so she would know that God has something to teach us right in that situation? James 1:19 could be one.

You see, our children should realize that God always has something to teach and say about every situation. There might not be a specific verse sometimes but I’m pretty sure there’s a verse or a passage that we can use to teach our children. Besides, this is the main goal of biblical discipline: God’s Word should be our authority in shaping the minds and hearts of our children.

Love the passage on Deuteronomy 6:7-9. Creating that atmosphere of talking to and about God with our children all day long will help them know God in a personal way, understanding that God cares about us and that He wants us to obey Him. Giving them opportunities throughout the day to exercise obedience to us but ultimately to the Lord is our responsibility as Christian parents.

Teaching in the context of the moment in your mentoring relationships

This also applies to us, adults. When you are mentoring someone, it is crucial for us to use God’s word to give advice, correction, or encouragement. Personal experience is good but at the end of the day, we are to train our disciples to seek God’s Word in every situation, and not to be dependent on us and our advices.

Using God’s Word in the context of the moment for our own spiritual growth

As I was reading the book, I realized how important it is for me, as a parent, to know God’s Word– not only because I need it to teach my child or a young lady I am mentoring, but also for my own spiritual growth. I also need to train my mind and heart to use God’s Word specifically in every moment or situation I am on.

I also believe it is God’s will for us to go through different kinds of moments, good or bad, because He wants us to learn how to be critical thinkers, using God’s Word as our guide. By God’s grace, doing it continually will help me form a habit of looking to the Lord for guidance and wisdom in making excellent choices.

Memorizing Scripture is very important, but when a specific moment comes around, do we know how to apply those stored Scriptures in our minds?

The Bible is clear about being doers of the Word and not hearers only. God wants us live by His Word. Praise God for making it available for us–to read and learn from Him. Let us apply what we have learned in the context of the moment, by God’s grace alone.

Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.

Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. Psalm 25:4-5

Posted in Uncategorized

Life Takes a Village

Sarah Faith

People say it takes a village to raise a child, but our society doesn’t seem to work that way. Don’t get me wrong, we support each other in little ways, but there also seems to be another side. Over my nearly nine years of parenting I’ve noticed a lot of comparison and competition. Under the surface though I see something else entirely. Beneath it all I hear, “I don’t have a village, so neither should you”.

I’ve heard it disguised in conversations more times than I can count, and it makes me sad. I know that I often want and need a village. Maybe you didn’t have one, or maybe at this moment you’re all on your own, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do our very best to be a village for each other now.

In Luke 6:31 Jesus says, “Do to others as you would have them do…

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